How to Induce a daily routine in playschool kids?

Routines provide more flexibility while maintaining the consistency that will assist you in establishing positive patterns of security & behaviour in your home.

As adults, we also have a routine, which helps us keep going & manage things. Don’t we? Similarly, it is important for kids to have a routine to ensure their overall development, mentally as well as physically.

You might wonder if a routine is really important for the kids. Yes, it is. It prevents children from spending the majority of the day sleeping and eating, and instead gives them plenty of time to play, explore new things, have meals, and get a healthy and appropriate amount of sleep. All this leads to improved mental & physical health, as well as develop cognitive skills.

Routines should not be so jam-packed with school work that the kid does not get time to play or have no time to be a kid. Routines should be based on your parenting style.

Parenting Styles

Trying to fix a routine at home can be quite a confusing and daunting task. Many times, parents copy other people’s routines and get easily frustrated. It usually happens because no one routine can fit everyone's needs. Routines must be made as per your needs and parenting style.

Parent led parenting

    • It is according to parents’ priorities and needs.
    • It includes exercising, working, and socialising.
    • It develops social conduct in children.

Children led parenting

    • It is a style of parenting that revolves around and is dictated as per the child’s needs.
    • It basically happens at the early age of kids (0-2 years), when babies tend to have critical needs like sleep and eating at regular intervals.
    • It is also known as attachment parenting.

Building Blocks of a Daily Routine

  • Before preparing a routine for your kids, prepare one for yourself and follow it. Children often do what they see their parents do.
  • Involve your kid in preparing his routine. Ask them what activities they would like to do.
  • Talk about time management with your children with the help of activities, helping them develop a sense of time management.
  • Prepare a colourful chart, picture routine, or attractive template routine, also available over the internet, to make it appealing and gain your children’s attention.

Ideal Daily routine for young kids?

Daily routines may differ in terms of activities, games, and fun time for each child, but certain aspects are almost identical for all young children in the age group of 2-6 years.

  • Wake up & brush your teeth.
  • Take a Bath & brush your hair.
  • Get ready for school or get dressed.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Play Time
  • Lunch
  • Clean up & chores
  • Nap time
  • Time to play or watch TV.
  • Dinner
  • Family Time
  • Bed Time

Ways to help them follow a routine are:

  • Let them brush their teeth with you to make them feel included.
  • Play with them while bathing them and emphasise the importance of taking a bath everyday.
  • Parents should also dress well to teach their children the importance of dressing well and hygienically.
  • Play what they enjoy with them to foster trust, faith and bonding.
  • Involve them while doing daily chores like dusting, placing things in the right place & serving plates on the dinner table.
  • Try to sleep with them during nap time when you are off from work.
  • Watch cartoons with them & gently and lovingly remind them that their TV time will soon come to an end.
  • During family time try to resolve their queries and any curiosities they might have about following their routine or going to school.
  • Fix your sleeping schedule as well, so that your child sleeps on time and does not resist sleeping.


Setting a routine for kids helps both kids and their parents, as it leads to:

  • The development of a sense of team work.
  • The development of discipline & punctuality.
  • The development of self- esteem and independence.
  • Bringing the family together.
  • The development of constructive habits.
  • Developing patience.